Toddlers and Their Stalling Tactics

Toddlers and Their Stalling Tactics

Toddlers are fascinating creatures, aren’t they? Watching them develop into thinking, creative little people is such a fascinating time, and one that parents often wish would last a little longer. Of course, they usually wish that after baby’s grown out of the toddler...
What About Mom?

What About Mom?

Sleep training your little one is a demanding endeavor. I’ve never had a client who said it wasn’t worth it, mind you, but nevertheless, it’s a lot of work, and it requires a lot of discipline. But once they get their baby on a steady, predictable nap schedule and...
When Can I Make Exceptions?

When Can I Make Exceptions?

One of my biggest rules for parents who are sleep training is to remain consistent. Whether it’s the bedtime routine, where baby sleeps, or what the consequences are for leaving their room in the night, consistency is absolutely essential to regular nights of quality...